Receive Cash Gifts! - F.A.Q.
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  Statement of Beliefs

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Is Giving Legal?


Yes! It has always been legal to give! Citizens of free countries around the world have a legal and constitutional right to give property, cash, and other assets of value as established by law. In gifting, individuals choose to give freely, and cannot lose money because a gift given unconditionally cannot be lost! You can’t lose what you give away! At GIFT-SHARING CLUB, we give freely expecting nothing in return from the recipient of the gift, and there are no promises or guarantees!


What is the GIFT-SHARING CLUB Belief System?


The GIFT-SHARING CLUB is a “Private Activity”. Our belief is born of the intention to Help Others. Our vision is to create a program that works by providing models and information where participants can have an actual experience of the truth that Abundance is created through giving. Please review our Statement of Beliefs for more information.


How Many Years has the GIFT-SHARING CLUB  Belief System been in Existence?


The giving philosophy and doctrine has been practiced many centuries ago by Christians and individuals as a way to share wealth and bless the lives of others. It is this Belief system that is the biblical Economic Principle as God’s way of prospering His children and those who believe in the system of giving!


What is the Company?


GIFT-SHARING CLUB is not a company, business, or investment club. We are a belief system (simply individuals who believe in giving freely to one another unconditionally) with pure motive to Help Others! We are committed to teach people of all backgrounds that they can live an abundant life! We believe it’s a divine experience to give freely and unconditionally.


Who Can Participate?


GIFT-SHARING CLUB is a private activity and belief system. Invitations are shared by participants to individuals over 16 years of age, who have read and chosen in to our belief system. We believe anyone with a kind heart and a desire to bless others can participate in this activity.


Are There Any Fees For Participating?


GIFT-SHARING CLUB utilizes print materials, tracking service and other tools to provide support and service to its participants. We therefore require participants to pay a fellowship monthly due of Two Dollars ($2.00) to cover those needed expenses.


Do I Have To Recruit People?


In this activity, we simply “share” an invitation or “invite”. We believe the first gift you receive is the invitation itself. GIFT-SHARING CLUB exists because participants truly grasp the spirit of “People Helping People.” There is no need to “sell” or pressure anyone to participate. We believe our philosophy of “Living the Law of Abundance” through sharing is a time tested way to live. The activity is for like-minds who believe in the universal concept of “What You Give in Life Will Come Back Many Times Over.”


What is a Personal Invitee?


A Personal Invitee is a person who has accepted an invitation to participate, from a GIFT-SHARING CLUB Participant. This is a real person or entity, who has accepted the activity agreements and beliefs, and chosen to be a systematic giver, receiver, and inviter, not just a name entered into the tracking system. If Juan, a participant, invites Maria and she accepts, Maria becomes Juan’s personal invitee.


Who Do I Invite?


All participants are free to share the Good News with any like-minded person. Volunteers can direct you to additional resources designed to help find others of like minded. It would surprise you to hear how many folks who have said, “I have been looking for something like this all my life!” This philosophy of caring and sharing strikes a cord with so many people!

Can I re-invite active participants from other teams?


No. All participants accept the GIFT-SHARING CLUB agreements before participating. One of those agreements is to honor the inviter/invitee relationship and protect the integrity of the activity. Please remember … what we give in life comes back multiplied!


How Much Time Will I have to Put into This?


This is a personal choice. Since GIFT-SHARING CLUB is not a business, there are no quotas or requirement. Each participant can be as active or as passive as desired. Please realize that the more participant shares, the greater the potential to receive.




GIFT-SHARING CLUB is a belief system born of the intention to help others. Activity participants choose to exercise our individual rights to give and receive, acknowledging principles which govern the laws of abundance. One of these principles is found in Luke 6:38. This is not a pyramid scheme. A pyramid is associated with a company or a business. We are not a company, just a belief system, or just a private sharing club!


How Does the Gifting Work?


Individuals share using a basic concept that “All things must be done in order” – the Universal Law of Sowing and Reaping – “Give and It Shall be Given Unto You.”  This activity is offered only by means of an exclusive one-to-one invitation. When someone accepts the invitation, they move through a natural progression from the giving to the receiving stage of the activity. In this activity, there is no fixed hierarchy of individuals who have an advantageous position or unfair advantage over new participants.


How Do I Get Involved?


Please get back with the participant who invited you to this activity. We participate in a systematic giving, receiving, and inviting into our belief system. If you truly want to help others and in return help yourself, this belief system is for you!


Can I Invite More than Two People?


Yes! You could invite a hundred people and they could all be connected to your team. The office secretary will make sure they have a phase following you. Never give your invitees away. Although this concept comes from a good place in your heart, we are teaching people how to fish for a lifetime here… not throwing them a fish for a day. Remember, our intention is to Help Others!


What Happens to Inactive Participants?


We understand that personal situations change and sometimes participants are not able to stay active consistently. If a participant wants to voluntarily resign, all they need to do is notify us via email at: GIFT-SHARING CLUB strives to allow participants the freedom to be active or inactive at will and our intention is not to remove anyone who has an interest in future activity. However, in an effort to support participants who are active, GIFT-SHARING CLUB reserves the right to remove inactive participants after thirty (30) days of inactivity.


How Do I Send a Gift?


The giver who has been accepted in to the activity need to contact the admin and let their gift be recorded and allow the admin to give the gift to the intended receiver. Be sure to include your name and activity name so the Receiver knows who to acknowledge for the fabulous gift!

How Can I Receive my Gift/s?

You will be notified if you have a gift. And it will be transferred to your paypal account within 48 hours or less depending on the workload. If you have received the maximum amount in your cycle, you can join a new one to start receiving another set of gifts.


If you still have questions, get back with the participant who invited you!

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